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Admissions: the pathway to become a part of our RSM Christian School family

RSM Christian School — Over 60 combined years of excellence in Christian education. Admissions questions? Contact Sarah Olin, Admissions Director.

RSM Christian School's desire is to bridge the gap between who your child is and who God created your child to be. We strive to develop thriving disciples of Christ who love God, love others, and become world-changers for Christ. Not only do we provide a biblically integrated academic program in a godly and loving classroom environment and a safe campus setting, but we also offer a myriad of other opportunities to assist you in discipling your child as a student of Jesus Christ. Qualified and committed faculty and staff train students to identify and achieve their God-given potential.

Admissions Policies & Procedures

Admissions Policy

RSM Christian School (RSMCS) seeks to partner with families who desire for their children an education that integrates strong academics with a Christian worldview. To that end, parents must affirm their support of the RSM Christian School statement of faith and philosophy of Christian education.

Requirements for Admission

Enrollment is offered only after the following admissions requirements are completed and approval of the administration is given:

  1. Completion of an online application

  2. Submission of satisfactory academic and behavioral records from the child’s previous school.

  3. Completion of student assessment by RSMCS faculty member (for students K-8th).

  4. Family Interview with RSMCS administration for students entering TK through 8th grade.

Placement of Students

RSM Christian School is committed to the educational welfare of each student and recognizes that each one is uniquely created by God. Throughout the admissions process, our administration seeks to understand each child’s learning needs and to assess his/her academic and developmental readiness to succeed at the grade level for which they are applying.  As appropriate, RSMCS may recommend that a student repeat a particular grade, that he or she be accepted on a probationary basis, or that a student be referred to another educational institution where the specific needs of that student will be more effectively served.

Age Guidelines

  • Preschool: Must be 3 years old by September 1

  • Pre-Kindergarten: Must be 4 years old by September 1

  • Transitional Kindergarten: Must  turn 5 between September 2 and December 2

  • Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old by September 1 and demonstrate readiness for Kindergarten

Enrollment Priorities

Re-enrollment for current RSMCS students begins in December. Open enrollment for new students begins in January. Eligible students will be accepted in the following order:

  1. Children of RSMCS staff members

  2. Siblings of currently enrolled students (RSMCS seeks to admit an entire family at the earliest possible time)

Acceptance of new students is based upon space availability, class make up, academic and social readiness, and recommendations from the most recent teacher and school administrator. Where classroom space is unavailable, a student meeting all admissions guidelines will be placed in a “PRIORITY WAIT POOL.” When space comes available, students in the Wait Pool will be notified based on all the factors listed under Enrollment Priorities as well as on date the application was received.

Admissions Process

Step 1 - Student Application


Apply online. A $100 NON-REFUNDABLE application fee is due upon application completion and is paid online.

 The following forms may be uploaded into the application packet:

  • Copy of birth certificate

  • Copy of immunization records: Immunizations must be complete and current. RE: exemptions: ONLY exemptions issued through the CAIR (California Immunization Registry) system will be accepted.

  • Copy of progress report or report cards (current and previous 2 years)

  • Copy of all available standardized achievement test scores(grades 1-8)

Step 2 - Assessment

Students entering Kindergarten through 8th grade will be given an assessment administered by school faculty or administration.

Step 3 - Interview (For new families with a student entering TK-8)

Once all necessary forms are received and the student has been assessed, one of our Administrators will meet with you for a Family Interview to include the student as well as parents/guardians.

Step 4 - Acceptance Status

After steps 1-3 have been completed, the applicant's file will be scheduled for review by the Admissions Review Committee.  Admissions status notifications will typically be issued within one week of review.

RSMCS Non-Discrimination Policy

RSMCS does not discriminate on the basis of color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, or programs. We do screen applicants on the basis of religious preference, grade level readiness, and students' potential for success within the RSMCS environment.

Please join us as we gather for a night of giving and in celebration of the students & staff of RSMCS. There will be live music, dinner, drinks, special presentations, silent & live auctions, & more.

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